
My Best Start Birth: Leading up to the birth of my baby, I received several prenatal appointments with different midwives at best start birth center. Each and every clinician treated me with courtesy and demonstrated a high level of professionalism. I felt as though I was in very capable hands, something I was concerned about, this being my first pregnancy. Every question, doubt, and fear that came up for myself and my partner was completely put at ease by the knowledgeable and caring staff at best start.

About one month before my delivery date, we had a ‘trial run’ where I thought I was going into labor. We called the on duty after hours midwife and she was very helpful, explaining that we should meet her at the birth center to check everything out. We ended up figuring out it wasn’t true labor. Even though it was the middle of the night, the midwife made us feel as though we should never hesitate to call, should we feel we need their help.

When the big day finally came, my partner called the birth center and they were very helpful calming him down, which in turn helped to calm me down. We arrived at the center at approximately 12 noon, and went immediately into the warmed comfortable tub. There were multiple people assisting from the staff, as it was mid-day. I was able to handle the intensity of the birth process with greater ease, due to the suggestions and care I received from all who helped that day. We had a rather quick labor, our healthy baby girl was born at 1:56 pm. We had valuable alone time with the baby immediately after the birth, and since all was normal and baby and mama were both healthy and happy, got to head back home by dinner time that evening. It was a remarkable experience, we are so grateful for best start birth center.

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