Happy New Year from Best Start!

In 2023, we helped welcome over 140 babies into the world. We are excited for another year of helping babies have the best start!

The start of a new year can be a good nudge to check in with yourself and revamp your habits and mindset. For all our expecting families, we invite you to use the new year and spirit of New Year’s resolutions to think about developing positive affirmations and intentions surrounding your pregnancy and birth. An affirmation is a positive statement or declaration intended to foster a positive mindset or belief. People often use affirmations to reinforce positive thoughts.

Here are some of our favorite pregnancy and birth-related affirmations:

-I am creating a healthy and nurturing environment for my baby.

-My body is strong and capable.

-Every day, my baby is growing and thriving within me.

-I trust in my body’s ability to bring new life into the world.

-I am surrounded by love and support as I embark on this beautiful journey.

-With each contraction, I move closer to meeting my precious baby.

-I trust my intuition.

Consider writing your affirmations down and putting them somewhere you’ll see them daily, like on a mirror or at your desk. Affirmations can say anything, so make them personal to you. The idea is to make them positive and in the present tense. “I AM healthy and strong” versus “I want to get healthier and stronger this year.” When it comes to pregnancy, a positive mindset is powerful.

Having intentions about how you hope your birth will go can also help you prepare and cultivate the environment you hope to have. When you close your eyes and envision what your birth “looks” like, what do you see? Who’s there with you? What’s the energy in the room like? What’s the lighting like? What are you wearing? How’s the room smell? All of these seemingly small details can set the stage to making your environment feel great. What can you do to bring that vision to life?

At Best Start, we encourage all of our clients to attend our childbirth education classes to help you discover what kind of options you have to make a plan. We have tubs to labor in, nitrous oxide as an analgesic, and encourage clients to explore options such as acupressure and aromatherapy. Taking the time to research and prepare helps you have a toolbox of options that fit you for your labor. Our new pre and postnatal yoga classes can also give you a chance to connect with your mind and body during pregnancy and beyond.

Whether you’re expecting, soon-to-be, postpartum, or somewhere in between, we look forward to seeing you and your growing family in 2024!

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