“I concluded a long time ago that we – the providers, would not see significant change in our lifetime unless WOMEN rise up and DEMAND IT. They have the power and actually control the pocketbook and simply need to be educated and empowered to use it. They are the “consumers” meaning they are purchasing or not purchasing the product. Every working woman needs to confront their employer about what is and is not included in their health care policies. THEY need to be meeting with the insurers boards and administrators and demanding that the care they seek is not only covered but funded as a long term investment for increasing their profits. They need to ask them what is holding them up. After all, their business is run for profit and almost 100 years of evidence is showing them that care for less money with better outcomes will increase their profits. So, what is their problem???? We have spent too long attacking the providers who because they were taught to fear and invested in controlling what they have, resist change instead of getting to those who control the money – the middlemen payers – and educating them. Make your mantra “All of health care begins with the care of the mother”. That is indisputable if we really gave a tinkers damn about the mother. Who makes the decision relating to the health of the family beginning with pregnancy, birth, breast feeding, nutrition, immunization, etc. etc? We don’t even have a clue about the long term benefits or hazards we are perpetuating with all our mumble jumble and interference.”
Best Start Birth Center has been a model of good outcomes for decades and expects to provide this option to San Diego into the future. Natural (physiologic) birth with a midwife equals a low rate of cesarean section, high rate of successful breastfeeding, low rate of interventions and satisfied, informed, and empowered moms and families. A beautiful memory for mom and her dear ones. Good short and long term outcomes reduce the costs of childbirth thus giving a direct financial benefit to the community as well as enhancing family life. Best Start is committed to providing a space where the beauty of natural birth can be experienced. Best Start midwives also offers well woman care so you stay healthy beyond childbirth. Now go out and demand that you receive access to the care you want and deserve!